
Menampilkan postingan dari 2015

The Contrast between Tom's and Edward's Life as Seen in The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain

*It is just an introduction of my research 1.1. Background of Choosing the Subject The story in The Prince and the Pauper is unique especially concerning to both main characters, Tom Canty and the Prince Edward Tudor. For example, the part of the story when they exchange their identity—it is when The Prince Edward decides to tries to live in Tom's life (in the poor family) and Tom who also has a dream to live as a Prince (in the rich family)—is unique because the exchange of their identity is something strange, it is done by the pauper and the Prince. In this case, Twain wants to show that in his The Prince and the Pauper the poor and the rich could exchange their identity, and he wants to express that the life of the pauper and the Prince in the real world is contrast and cannot be exchanged. It is also unique that the poor person could be the Prince of Wales. He could order the servants to do whatever he wants. In this case, Twain is creative to disguise the poor Tom not...

The Practice of Injustice in the Society and the Empire of England as Seen in Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper

*It is just an introduction of my research 1.1. Background of Choosing the Subject Injustice is absolutely contradictory with justice. It refers to the unfairness of someone, people, institution, and etcetera which act or do something unjust upon the others. For example, my father is a temperamental character. He always hits me when my little brother cries. He never asks who makes him cry, but just hits and considers me as the suspect because he thinks that it is me who play a toy with him. But in fact, it is my other brother who takes his toy away. In this case, the injustice is done by my father towards me. According to Sion, i njustice means that “ some good is not followed by commensurate good or is followed by undeserved bad; or that some bad is not followed by commensurate bad or is followed by undeserved good” (“Understanding Injustice”).  It means that injustice does not merely refers to the absolute badness (e.g. the leader of a country puts someone in prison with...