The Question and The Answers; The Chimney Sweeper Analysis

1.      In Tom’s dreams, he sees thousands of sweepers locked up in black coffins. What do the coffins symbolize?
·         Black coffins are the symbolic of the lives that the sweeps lived, being poor outcasts in society and having stained unwashed skin and often disfigured bodies.
2.      Who do you think is symbolized by the angle in line 1 stanza 4?
·         The angle is the one who will save their life.
3.      What does “free” in stanza four refer to?
·         The chimney sweeper’s life.
4.      What does Blake want to say in lines 3 and 4 in stanza 4?
·         After the sweepers were set free (in Tom's dream), they went and played. Then they washed their bodies in the river.
·         The sweepers "shine" in the sun, its because of the reflection of the water on the bodies?
5.      What does the word “naked” in stanza 5 express?
·         It express that in the Tom’s dream the sweepers are naked and flying on the clouds in the winds.
6.      What does the word “bag” in line 1 stanza 5 symbolize?
·         Bag represent something that they're closely related to—the chimney-sweeping profession.
7.      Explain the meaning found in lines 3 and 4 of stanza 5?
·         Tom has a conversation with the angel, who tells him that, if he is good, God will be his father and he'll never lack joy.
8.      In the last stanza it can be seen that although the situation for Tom and the other chimney sweepers is the same but why are they happy?
·         Tom's happy and warm because he believes (thanks to the lesson the angel gives him in that dream) that if you do your duty, no harm will come to you.
In other words, if he keeps chimney sweeping like a good little boy, he'll be taken care of. 


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